
Slovenia 2016 – a fairytale trip

“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;/ For he to-day that sheds his blood with me/ Shall be...

Finding ourselves in the Brecon Beacons

Time for a very belated report on last April’s Navigation Training… As we drove across the Severn Bridge and deeper...

Norway: An Unforgettable Trip to the Lofoten Islands

The expedition began the same was as many other UBES summer trips; at about 4am in Gatwick Airport. Our first...

Avon’derful Climbing Cycle Tour

A year and 2 weeks ago, I attempted a ‘Southern Sandstone Cycle Tour’ which you can read about here. It...

For the Greater Goat: ML Training in Sunny Snowdonia

For the Greater Goat: ML Training in Sunny Snowdonia

There’s a long-running joke that UBES is a bit of a cult, but this has never seemed more apparent to...

Welsh 3000s on 1 hour’s sleep!

  On the summit of Tryfan with Adam and Eve   Given that my last adventure with Tim (attempting to...

An overnight revision break on Lunchtime Ledge…

Spending the night 60m up in the Avon Gorge! Carrying on the ledge-end… It’s 5pm on a Saturday. You’ve spent...

Backpacking in The Lake District

As lunchtime cheese and pickle sandwiches are an inalienable right of every UBESter, the trip started on Friday 11th in...

Explore Conference 2015

It may be a little delayed but seen as the time has come to think about this year’s summer trips I...

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