We travel to the UK’s beautiful mountainous regions every other weekend to explore, walk, climb, and escape the city! A super affordable way to get into the great outdoors.
Summer Expeditions
Our three dedicated expeditions officers and the year planning amazing international adventures. At least one will be exploratory or research oriented.
With free instruction provided, we cater from novices to expert climbers. Regular climbing and bouldering in Bristol, plus two climbing trips.
Training and Development
Access world-class training opportunities, free workshops in Bristol, and talks from inspiring adventurers.
Our social secs are always keeping us on our toes. Get involved with their latest socials, from the weekly pub, to our annual Ceilidh.
Our two postgraduate officers are super keen to meet passionate postgrads! With dedicated events, we’ve got a fantastic network for you to join.
Flagship Trips
Scotland – Winter Mountaineering
Join us over New Year for a Scottish winter wonderland! With a Winter Skills course available, we spend a week enjoying the snow-covered highlands! Our expeditions officers run an evening talk about the trip in November – come along to find out more.
Annual General Meeting
The heart of our democracy, we meet every year after Easter in Snowdonia to elect the new committee and vote on all sorts! Always a favourite trip, and as a extra-long-weekend, it’s not one to be missed.
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