Website Checklist

Are you writing a new blog post, or making a revision to the UBES website? Before submitting for review, please go through this checklist to make sure your content is compatible:

  • *Added Title
  • *Added/selected Featured Image
  • *Blog posts only: You have selected one or more post Categories from the list.
  • *Blog posts only: You have included three or more Tags of your choosing.
These checks will be automatically checked by the system before you can submit your post. Please check the others manually to avoid delays in publishing your content.
  • Local images. All images are uploaded to the website using the Add Media button. We need to make sure our images aren’t hosted off-site, as they could be taken down at any time — making our site look bad! If in doubt, right-click the image, and choose ‘Open image in new tab’, and check that the URL is a UBES one.
  • Scaled images. All images are correctly scaled (usually ‘Medium’), and include a Caption (the bit that displays underneath it) showing at least a credit to the photographer, and Alt Text describing the image in case it can’t be shown. These two might be the same.
  • Image alignment. Images are either centered or wrapped around text.
  • Text alignment. Text is left aligned.
  • Text formatting. Your text is all formatted using the ‘Paragraph’ default, or headings where appropriate.
  • Unrestricted content. Unless you’re adding a page within the Members Area, the ‘Restrict Page’ box should be left unchecked to allow non-members to access your content.
  • Excerpt. You have added a ‘Read More’ tag to show which part should be cut out for an Excerpt or you have hand-crafted an excerpt in the ‘Excerpt’ box.
We use a third-party service called CloudFlare to improve website speed. It works by caching a copy of our pages to serve directly to visitors. However, this cache refreshes periodically, so some changes will not be immediately reflected on the live site. If you need to make a change that is ‘mission-critical’, please contact the webmaster to place the site into Development Mode – temporarily disabling external caching.

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